by Weird Tales and the Unexplainable | Oct 12, 2015 | Core Episodes |
Beef hosts a bumper length episode. We talk about Angels and Demons, pigs, guardians, and Beef even delivers some first hand exorcism accounts. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services. Furious Love...
by Weird Tales and the Unexplainable | Sep 29, 2015 | Core Episodes |
Tiss hosts an episode full of weird psychedelic stories and ideas. We talk DMT, synaesthesia, meditation, the evolutionary, religious and extraterrestrial possibilities of mushrooms, and listen to some Terence McKenna. Does something exist if there is no observer?...
by Weird Tales and the Unexplainable | Aug 18, 2015 | Core Episodes |
Beef hosts and recounts some first hand experiences of healing miracles, Tiss teaches us to see his aura and we discover the best way to make money on the horses. Also, Ghost Story of the Week as usual. Listen on Acast here – Acast Also available on iTunes, Stitcher,...
by Weird Tales and the Unexplainable | Jul 14, 2015 | Core Episodes |
A very different show this week, as Beef talks about his unexplainable stories from his time in Mozambique, including contact with Witch Doctors and experiences of possible miracles. A Christian, an Atheist and an Agnostic discuss belief and morality. Also, Ghost...