Beef hosts an episode looking at the conspiracies surrounding the events of 9/11.
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We mentioned lots of doc on this show. Some of which can be found on YouTube, some on Netflix, others you will have to hunt out elsewhere.
We mentioned –
Fahrenheit 9/11
9/11: Decade Of Deception, (we played a clip form this on the show)
The Anatomy Of A Great Deception
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup
The next two weren’t mentioned on the show, but were recommended to us also.
9/11: Press For Truth
Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11
Here are the full videos that we played sections of on the show.
NORAD clip
Bombs clip
Pentagon clip
Bin Laden clip
Flash clip
William Cooper
Briefly mentioned near the end of the video, his book ‘Behold A Pale Horse’, came highly recommended to us.
Behold A Pale Horse –
A couple of films briefly mentioned on the episode –
The Walk
World Trade Center