A very different show this week, as Beef talks about his unexplainable stories from his time in Mozambique, including contact with Witch Doctors and experiences of possible miracles.
A Christian, an Atheist and an Agnostic discuss belief and morality.
Also, Ghost Story of the Week.
Listen on Acast here – Acast
Also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast services.
Belief –
The book that Beef referred to when discussed belief –
The Plain Man Looks At The Apostles’ Creed by William Barclay
Mozambique –
Here is a picture of where Beef was in Mozambique, and where his stories took place –
Reality –
A link to the TEDtalk that Tiss mentioned by Donald Hoffman
Do We See Reality As It Is?
Book recommendation –
Bob Recommended Through The Woods by Emily Carrol.
A great collection of short spooky stories that will stick in your mind.